NL | GR | EN


The national competition is a combination of 3 competitions in which clubs compete in teams for the title of best team. The competition is the largest broad sports activity on the track within athletics in the Netherlands. Annually, over 1400 teams from about 175 clubs participate in the competition.  Vitalis also participates with two teams in the competition. In the second division of the senior competition Vitalis shines with both a men's and a women's team.

For each competition a selection of events is made on which the athletes are placed. These athletes earn points for their performance. The combined points count as the team total. On the basis of the team totals, the teams compete for promotion or retention in or to a division.

The teams of Vitalis are made as well as possible based on order of enrollment and the best prestations of everyone. All the details about the considerations can be found in this document.

Would you like more information about the competition? Please contact the Sports Commissioner at